Thursday, August 18, 2011

Oil Price HIKE!

Oil price goes up, and up but we seldom hear that it went down.

This is always the topic over the radio, television and even the net. And this affects all of us.

We're just wondering what's going on with our oil companies that we usually hear news that they'll apply oil price hike, and you know their reason? It's because the World Market price of it goes up. Well, that's acceptable and understandable because of the happenings in the countries who are major players of oil. However, we're fed up in hearing hike... hike... hike... Oil price Hike. Out of 10 news about oils, we only heard one news about oil companies applying deduction of oil price. Imagine, out of 10, only 1 news talks about a positive view about oil prices. That makes me wonder why.

Another thing is the price itself. They are to put a price hike automatically and much higher to what is expected but when they are to deduct, only cents are what they are applying. And sometimes, it's hard for them to give that. Why? They're keeping themselves; their eyes, ears and mind ; shut, as if they don’t know what’s going on but when it comes to escalation, they're just like a lighting that when you're not watchful, you'll just be shock because of the addition?

HUH! Is that how powerful they are now? That even the government doesn’t have any teeth at all to make them implement what’s necessary to do? That they don’t have anything in mind but just to earn money for them? Gain lots; earn many, afraid to be bank craft?

Think of this… They buy oil in bulk, right? That at times, the price is at the lower point. But when there is a price hike, all the oils they have, they brand it as part of the oil they just bought with that high price. Is that right? Businessman’s thinking right? Mmm

Well, they will say to us and every one of us would think about this; they build that as a business, and then they’ll run it as a business. That’s the truth anyway. If we are in their shoe, that’s what we really could think and say. However, can we also ask them to also try to be on our shoe so that they could also think about our situation? (The problem is if they wanted to) huh!) They could also feel how hard it is to put things together in our budget just to meet all the needs at home.

Hahahaha… they might laugh. Why? It is because of this matter; What are the materials at home that oil/gasoline/kerosene is needed. Is it only your vehicles, Why is it you are to put on us the blame.

Hah! You just laugh. Maybe only the thing that was mentioned is the one that uses that oil you sell. But take note of this, all the needs in the kitchen are transported with the vehicles that uses oil. So at the end, they’ll receive additional price from their owner for them to earn as well. The bottom line is, the mothers or family where the one’s who will shoulder the burden because they’re the end consumer.
So, what’s the best thing to do? Don’t use things that uses oil or gasoline? Go back to basic? What if the government will regulate the price of the oil? ‘Cause from the way we see it, government is like a dog to the oil companies. If that’s not true, why simple people perceive things like that? If this is not true, then KINDLY PLEASE MOVE AND CHANGE SOMETHING BETTER?

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