Thursday, August 18, 2011


What does life all about? What makes life meaningful? What’s the best thing to do to make this life worth living?

What is really the correct description of a beautiful life?

Those were the some of the questions we usually think if we are in solitude, when were alone, when we think deep or when were down. I too always think about what really life is all about. During the ups and downs of my life, I came up to different meanings and answers to what life is. Sometimes I arrive to a reasonable answer but most of the time I just made my self contented with the distance or the shallow explanation I could think during that time. All the times, I end up saying… “Well, that’s life and we must live by it and enjoy what’s going on because we couldn’t predict what comes before us.” But what really is life?

We have different idea what that word means. And even if we or you have the same situations with somebody in this world… still you two have diverse thinking and outlook of what this life all about.

There were lots of historians, poets, writers, authors or honorable people who attempted to define what life is. And am sure, you also like and take into action as well as part of your motto the scribbled or spoken meaning of that word. Maybe because you idolize the life of that person or the words he/she’d used really struck you at the time you read or heard it. But then there were lots of people still who longs and look for reasons or situation that will satisfy the questions they have. They look for that to maybe, at least make them ready to what future will bring and make their living here on earth fulfilling.

As I write this, I still can’t find the very words how to define that word. HUH! It’s a very simple word but when you are to define it, a definition that would gratify the loop holes you could see in every question that your mind formulates every time an answer pops up or given, but still I can’t find one. Even King Solomon, the wisest king of all, still couldn't simplify the meaning of what life is. Why? Because each one of us has different point of view of what that is. There were times we could formulate a convincing answer to those question but when a situation arises, the answer will be tested that usually we come to a point of editing that formulated answer you have. Every time you encounter situations, we always enhance or change that outlook in life because it won’t fit to the situation already. It’s like a technology that every second an improvement of that product or idea was added to make that thing fit in to the world of today.

Maybe, in that way we could understand what was going on and able to accept what will happen. Maybe it calls for flexibility on our part. As the things in our surroundings change, we must also change our point of view. As the world advance, we also are to move ahead for us to make life better. Maybe that’s the very process we must do for us to sustain and enjoy this life we had.

But the very thing we must keep in mind is… as we make ourselves flexible, as we move forward with the world, we must always stick with the ideals or the values for us not to be swayed in this rapid changing world that we have. We must still step our feet on the ground keeping in mind that we are not alone in this world. That we have responsibilities, that we have to keep our faith firm as we cultivate our traipse in life. That we are not to forget to enjoy the life we have because like the grasses in the meadow, they are there showing their beauty as they sway with the wind, trying to stand still against the scorching sun rays, dance with the music of rain and air, but then they too are gone when it’s time for them to whither for that’s what they are. However, you might be amazed that when they die, there still grasses like them that grows and replace them. The amazing part of it is they're almost have the same features of the descendant they have because those who died leave their mark through their seeds.

I hope we too would take the example of those grasses. That we live our life to the fullest but while we're doing it, we must always remember that we need to imprint the good things to the life of people; people who stands like us, who sings, think, speak like us. So that when you leave the chronos world, it's only your body which is gone. But you, your ideals, your purpose and everything WORTH living will still live. That it's as if we live again to enjoy the immeasurable expense of life in this world. And that's through the life of the people we touch.

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